Here you will find other previously published books and booklets. Most of them are free to download.
Local authorities and the financial crisis: an overall perspective. Cities Alliance and AFD
I arrived in Washington just as the financial crisis hit. A few months later, the director of Cities Alliance and his counterpart at the World Bank asked me to write a paper on the financial consequences of the crisis for local authorities, which was a subject no one had ever addressed at that time.
African markets
This book, co-written with my socio-economist colleague Laurence Wilheim, seemed fairly remarkable at the time it came out. It combined an economic, sociological, urban planning and management approach on a subject that had never been dealt with until then.
Financing investment of cities in developing countries.
This booklet co-written with my colleague Martha Stein-Sochas, summarized a series of working groups that I organized with various partners and funding professionals.
The resorption of unsanitary housing in overseas territories.
This work, co-written with my colleague Claude Géhin, is devoted to a review that had never been carried out before concerning policy for the resorption of unsanitary housing (RHI) conducted by the French government overseas.
Urban development in Ivory Coast
This work is mentioned as a matter of form since it figures in my earlier bibliographies. It is available on request for researchers or students interested in its historical value.